Cycles configuration

A cycle is a step in the timer lifetime, represented by a name and a duration.

You can setup custom cycles using the cycles TOML array of tables:


name = "Work"
duration = 1500

name = "Rest"
duration = 500

Inline array also works:


cycles = [
  { name = "Work", duration = 1500 },
  { name = "Rest", duration = 500 },


By default, cycles will repeat indefinitely. The number of loops can be fixed this way:

cycles-count = 5

Note: a cycles count at 0 means infinite loops.

preset = "pomodoro"

Configure cycles to follow the Pomodoro time management method, which consists of alternating "Work" cycles of 25 min and "Short break" cycles of 5 min, 4 times, then ending by a "Long break" of 15 min.

preset = "pomodoro"

preset = "52/17"

Configure cycles to follow the 52/17 time management method, which consists of alternating "Work" cycles of 52 min and "Resting" cycles of 17 min.

preset = "52/17"