
Prebuilt binary

Neverest CLI can be installed with a prebuilt binary:

# As root:
$ curl -sSL | sudo sh

# As a regular user:
$ curl -sSL | PREFIX=~/.local sh

Those commands install the latest binary from the GitHub releases section.

Note: Linux, MacOS and Windows are supported. Note that some features may not work as expected on Windows.


Neverest CLI can be installed with cargo:

$ cargo install neverest

You can also use the git repository for a more up-to-date (but less stable) version:

$ cargo install --git neverest

Neverest CLI comes with few default features:

  • imap: enables IMAP backend
  • maildir: enables Maildir backend
  • wizard: enables the wizard configurator with IMAP auto discovery

There is also optional features:

  • notmuch: enables notmuch backend (requires the notmuch lib to be installed on the system)


Neverest CLI can be installed with Nix:

$ nix-env -i neverest

You can also use the git repository for a more up-to-date (but less stable) version:

$ nix-env -if

# or, from within the source tree checkout
$ nix-env -if .

If you have the Flakes feature enabled:

$ nix profile install neverest

# or, from within the source tree checkout
$ nix profile install

# you can also run Neverest directly without installing it:
$ nix run neverest


To enter a development shell:

$ nix-shell

# or, with the Flakes feature enabled
$ nix develop

From here, you have access to all the development tools (Rust compiler, cargo, rust language server, code formatter…) necessary to hack on Neverest.

If you use VSCode, simply open this project folder and accept the workspace extension recommendations.


Neverest CLI can be installed from sources.

First you need to install the Rust development environment (see the rust installation documentation):

$ curl -sSf | sh

Then, you need to clone the repository and install dependencies:

$ git clone neverest
$ cd neverest
$ cargo check

Now, you can build Neverest:

$ cargo build --release

Note: binaries are available in the target/release folder.


Could not compile autocfg

On aarch64, compiling autocfg will exhaust all available memory and rustcc will be killed by OS. You need to update llvm-libs to the latest version to solve this problem. This is a llvm bug.