iCloud Mail configuration

From the iCloud Mail support page:

  • IMAP port = 993.
  • IMAP login = name of your iCloud Mail email address (for example, johnappleseed, not johnappleseed@icloud.com)
  • SMTP port = 587 with STARTTLS
  • SMTP login = full iCloud Mail email address (for example, johnappleseed@icloud.com, not johnappleseed)
display-name = "John APPLESEED"
email = "johnappleseed@icloud.com"

signature = """
John AppleSeed
Sent from iCloud

backend = "imap"
imap.host = "imap.mail.me.com"
imap.port = 993
imap.login = "johnappleseed"
imap.passwd.cmd = "pass show icloud"

message.send.backend = "smtp"
smtp.host = "smtp.mail.me.com"
smtp.port = 587
smtp.encryption = "start-tls"
smtp.login = "johnappleseed@icloud.com"
smtp.passwd.cmd = "pass show icloud"

Note: passwords are prompted when running the command himalaya accounts configure.