Native PGP configuration

Note: Himalaya needs to be compiled with the cargo feature pgp-native to activate this backend.

pgp.backend = "native"

Enable the Rust native PGP backend.


Represents the PGP secret key in its ASCII armored version.

# The secret key is located at the given path
pgp.secret-key.path = "/tmp/secret.key"

# The secret key is located in the user's global keyring at the given entry.
pgp.secret-key.keyring = "secret-entry"

This field is configured via himalaya account configure.


Represents the secret key passphrase.

# Raw passphrase (unsafe, not recommanded)
pgp.secret-key-passphrase.raw = "passphrase"

# Passphrase retrieved from the given shell command
pgp.secret-key-passphrase.cmd = "pass show passphrase"

# Passphrase retrieved from your system's default password manager at the given entry.
pgp.secret-key-passphrase.keyring = "passphrase-entry"


Discovers public keys using the Web Key Directory protocol.

pgp.wkd = true


Discovers public keys using the given key servers.

Key servers should be valid URLs. Supported schemes:

  • http:// and https://: URL should point to a valid public key.

  • hkp:// and hkps://: URL should point to a valid Web Key Directory service.

pgp.key-servers = ["", "hkps://"]


pgp.backend = "native"
pgp.secret-key.path = "~/.pgp/secret.key"
pgp.secret-key-passphrase.cmd = "pass show secret"
pgp.wkd = true
pgp.key-servers = ["hkps://", "hkps://"]
backend = "native"
secret-key.keyring = "my-account-pgp-secret-key"
secret-key-passphrase.keyring = "my-account-pgp-secret-key-passphrase"
key-servers = [""]