Advanced usage

$ himalaya [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>



Names in yellow correspond to domains covered by Himalaya CLI. Every domain has its own dedicated command: account, folder, envelope, flag, message, attachment, template.


These options are global, which means they can be used in all commands and subcommands.


Override the default configuration file path.

The given path is shell-expanded then canonicalized (if applicable). If the path does not point to a valid file, the wizard will propose to assist you in the creation of the configuration file.


Customize the output format

The output format determine how to display commands output to the terminal. The possible values are:

  • json: output will be in a form of a JSON-compatible object
  • plain: output will be in a form of either a plain text or table, depending on the command


Control when to use colors

The default setting is ‘auto’, which means himalaya will try to guess when to use colors. For example, if himalaya is printing to a terminal, then it will use colors, but if it is redirected to a file or a pipe, then it will suppress color output. himalaya will suppress color output in some other circumstances as well. For example, if the $TERM environment variable is not set or set to dumb, then himalaya will not use colors.

The possible values are:

  • never: colors will never be used
  • always: colors will always be used regardless of where output is sent
  • ansi: like ‘always’, but emits ANSI escapes (even in a Windows console)
  • auto: himalaya tries to be smart


Enable logs with spantrace.

This is the same as running the command with RUST_LOG=debug environment variable.


Enable verbose logs with backtrace.

This is the same as running the command with RUST_LOG=trace and RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variables.



Configuration related to IMAP. See the documentation.


Configuration related to Maildir. See the documentation.


Configuration related to notmuch. See the documentation.


Configuration related to SMTP. See the documentation.


Configuration related to sendmail. See the documentation.


Configuration related end-to-end PGP encryption. See the documentation.