
Himalaya CLI takes its TOML configuration from one of those paths:

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/himalaya/config.toml
  • $HOME/.config/himalaya/config.toml
  • $HOME/.himalayarc

There is 2 ways to configure Himalaya CLI:

Automatically, using the wizard

You just need to run himalaya. You can configure separated files using the -c|--config argument, for example: himalaya -c /tmp/config.toml.

Note: actually you can only create new configurations with the wizard. There is an opened issue #42 to edit existing configurations using the wizard.

Manually, by editing the TOML file

The file should first contain your global configuration, followed by your accounts configurations. Each account configuration should be located inside a TOML section (table). The table name should be unique, as it is used to identify an account:

# global config

# account config

# account config

# …

Global configuration

The global configuration is the configuration that is applied by default to all your accounts.


The display name of the user.

It usually corresponds to the full name of the user.

display-name = "Clément DOUIN"


The email signature of the user.

It can be either a path to a file (usually ~/.signature) or a raw string. The signature supports TOML multiline.

signature = "~/.signature"
signature = "Regards,"
signature = """
Thank you,


The email signature delimiter of the user signature. Defaults to -- \n.

signature-delim = "~~ \n"


The downloads directory.

It is mostly used for downloading messages attachments. Defaults to the system temporary directory (usually /tmp).

downloads-dir = "~/Downloads"

Account configuration

See the advanced usage section for the complete settings API.


Here a complete and documented config.sample.toml that you can actually test yourself with the following commands:

# save the sample config locally
curl > config.sample.toml

# spawn a testing IMAP/SMTP server using docker
docker run -it --rm -p 3025:3025 -p 3110:3110 -p 3143:3143 -p 3465:3465 -p 3993:3993 -p 3995:3995 -e GREENMAIL_OPTS='-Dgreenmail.setup.test.all -Dgreenmail.hostname= -Dgreenmail.auth.disabled -Dgreenmail.verbose' greenmail/standalone:latest

# test the CLI using the sample config
himalaya -c ./config.sample.toml envelope list
# The account name.

# The current account will be used by default for all other commands.
default = true

# The display-name and the email are used to build the full email
# address: "My example account" <example@localhost>
display-name = "My example account"
email = "example@localhost"

# The signature can be a string or a path to a file.
signature = "Regards,"
signature-delim = "-- \n"

# Enable the synchronization for this account. Running the command
# `account sync example` will synchronize all folders and all emails
# to a local Maildir at `$XDG_DATA_HOME/himalaya/example`.
sync.enable = false

# Override the default Maildir path for synchronization.
sync.dir = "/tmp/himalaya-sync-example"

# Filter folders to sync
folder.sync.filter.include = ["INBOX"]
# folder.sync.filter.exclude = ["All mails"]
# folder.sync.filter = "all"

# Define main folder aliases
folder.alias.inbox = "INBOX"
folder.alias.sent = "Sent"
folder.alias.drafts = "Drafts"
folder.alias.trash = "Trash"

# Also define custom folder aliases
folder.alias.prev-year = "Archives/2023"

# Default backend used for all the features like adding folders,
# listing envelopes or copying messages.
backend = "imap" = 10
envelope.list.datetime-fmt = "%F %R%:z"

# Date are converted to the user's local timezone.
envelope.list.datetime-local-tz = true

# Override the backend used for listing envelopes.
# envelope.list.backend = "imap"

# Send notification on receiving new envelopes = "📬 New message from {sender}"

# Available placeholders: id, subject, sender,,
# sender.address, recipient,, recipient.address. = "{subject}"

# Shell commands can also be executed when envelopes change
# = "mbsync -a"

# Override the backend used for sending messages.
message.send.backend = "smtp"

# Save a copy of sent messages to the sent folder. = false

# IMAP config = "localhost"
imap.port = 3143
imap.login = "example@localhost"

# Encryption can be either "tls" (or true), "start-tls" or "none" (or false).
imap.encryption = "none"

# Get password from a raw string (not safe)
imap.passwd.raw = "password"

# Get password from a shell command
# imap.passwd.cmd = "echo password"

# Get password from your global system keyring using secret service
# Keyring secrets can be (re)set with the command `account configure example`
# imap.passwd.keyring = "example-imap-password"

# Customize at which period, in seconds, the IMAP IDLE mode should refresh.
# Defaults to 1740 (29 min), as defined in the RFC.
# = 25

# SMTP config = "localhost"
smtp.port = 3025
smtp.login = "example@localhost"
smtp.encryption = false
smtp.passwd.raw = "password"

# PGP needs to be enabled with one of those cargo feature:
# pgp-commands, pgp-gpg or pgp-native
# pgp.backend = "gpg"